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Women's Empowerment

 "I loved every minute of these activities, and I have found them extremely helpful to practice in my everyday life! Your creativity is truly something that the world needs a lot more of, so thank you for being you!"   - Izzie Falls, Women's Leadership Development, UNCC

"Women like you are what help inspire me to be resilient and gain confidence as a woman in the workforce."  - Madi Robertson

APLOMB - self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation

What a perfect word for Women's Empowerment.  It's not just confidence but confidence, especially in a demanding situation.


Using a unique form of humor, science, and right-brain thinking, Kelly's workshop empowers women to inspire, succeed, and thrive in a fun and thoughtful way. 


By changing APLOMB into an acronym, Kelly's workshop focuses on 6 key areas to strengthen women's leadership.  Aplomb is the spine of the book.  It's the glue. Without it, you have some interesting "pages" but nothing to hold it together.  But Kelly shows interactive exercises to help women to become more authentic, learn to pivot in thought when necessary, become active listeners rather than passive, add humor and off-the-cuff remarks when appropriate, read body language more effectively, and add enthusiasm and energy into their leadership style.  In essence, giving substance to aplomb and making it a quality you possess instead of one you just desire.













Kelly speaking in front of an audience

Kelly did the unthinkable; she found a way to use a degree in English. Of course, she had to start her own business to do it!   In 1991, Kelly opened an SAT prep school called Briarcliff Hall (  The first class had 3 students; however, by the end of the first year Briarcliff had more than 100 students and has sold out almost every class for the last 25 years.


Ten years ago Kelly took an improv class and was hooked.  After studying and analyzing the craft, Kelly became the marketing arm of Beta Test improv ( )  helping build a following for the company that has resulted in more than 90 corporate workshops and Keynotes annually. 


Click HERE for a full client list


Click HERE to listen to the Leaders at Play podcasts with Paul and Kelly Marks hosting

Contact info: 

Kelly Marks


1-hour and 2-hour workshops available

Call and find out why dozens of companies are embracing this unique and fun approach to learning.

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